
Annual health and welfare review of livestock

Farmers who keep cattle, sheep and pigs can get funding to pay for a vet to visit their farm and carry out an annual health and welfare review.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Rural Payments Agency

A health and welfare review of livestock provides funding for a vet, or team chosen by a vet, to visit a farm and carry out a health and welfare review of beef or dairy cattle, sheep or pigs.

The review will help:

  • reduce endemic diseases and conditions
  • increase animal productivity
  • improve animal welfare

The review is optional. It is not an inspection and will not be used for compliance or monitoring.


Read the apply guidance to find out:

  • if you’re eligible
  • how much funding you can get
  • what you must ask the vet to do when they’re visiting your farm

Read the claim guidance to find out:

  • what information you’ll need to share when you claim
  • what evidence you’ll need to keep


Guidance on how to carry out a review including endemic disease and condition testing.